Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Tuesday, 09/12/23

 Grade 6:

  1. Email Mrs. R (Grade8@stthereseroxbury.org) for your Email Etiquette activity
  2. Unit 1 flash cards due Wednesday
  3. Spelling Test on Friday on Unit 1 words (Sets A & B)
  4. Book to read during Literature

Grade 7:

  1. Complete Mad-Lib worksheet
  2. Unit 1 flash cards due Wedneday
  3. Spelling Test on Friday on Unit 1 words (Sets A & B)
  4. Book to read during Literature

Grade 8:

  1. Unit 1 flash cards due Wednesday
  2. Spelling Test on Friday on Unit 1 words (Sets A & B)
  3. Book to read during Literature

8th Grade Reminders:

  1. Graduation Fee due by 10/1
  1. Ring form and payment due by Monday, 9/18

Email me if you have any questions grade8@stthereseroxbury.org 

-Mrs. Rozanski

Wednesday, 2/5/25

  Grade 6: Vocab. - Practice Test Unit 8 - Vocab Test on Friday Grade 7: Vocab. - Practice Test Unit 8 - Vocab. Test on Friday Grade 8: Vo...