September 16, 2020
I'm so proud of how we are working together. Remember to bring a book that you enjoy so you can read during transition times. This is a book that interests you ... so any genre works!
It's getting cooler, so please bring an STS sweatshirt to wear in school.
Also, remember to wear your masks and practice social distancing.
- Tag Day Friday, September 25, 2020 - Go Gold for Melanie Walsh - see Friday Folder for details
- Gym uniforms for the month of September (but regular uniform is OK too)
- Bring and wear a mask, lunch and plenty of water everyday
- Pizza Fridays are back! See the Friday Folder for information!
8th Grade:
- No HW
- Review Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 Concepts ... first test next week
- Practice iXL - 10-15 minutes each week
7th Grade:
- NOS Lesson 1 Vocabulary 6-9 due 9/17
- WB pg 13-14, 1-31, odds
- Practice iXL - 10-15 minutes each week
6th Grade:
- NOS Lesson 1 Vocabulary 6-9 due 9/17
- Textbook Page 60, Check Your Progress, even problems
- Practice iXL - 10-15 minutes each week
Love and Prayers,
Mrs. Cardinale