Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Wednesday, 11/16/22


1. Pizza Money due tomorrow morning

2. Sign up sheets for 8th Grade Bake Sale were emailed today. Please complete them as soon as possible.

3. HSA Meeting Thurs., 11/17, @ 7PM

4. Picture make-ups will be Friday, 11/18. Due date for graduation photo orders (online or to school) is 11/25 (proofs were sent home).

5. Conference sign-ups posted on Parent Square. Conferences will be on Mon. 11/21 and Tues 11/22. 11/21-11/23 are 12:00PM Dismissal Days. 

6th Grade:

    1. Spelling- pg. 26, 27 28 due Friday

    2. Extra Credit- My Favorite Book due by Monday (due to library by Sunday 11/20)

7th Grade:

    1. Spelling- pgs. 38, 39, 40 due Friday

    2. Literature- Defend the Book writing assignment due tomorrow; Permission Slip for The Mighty due tomorrow (extra copy available on Google Classroom)

8th Grade: 
    1. Spelling- pgs. 26, 27, 28 due Friday 

Tuesday, 3/11/25

  Grade 6: Unit 11 -3x each due Wed Flashcards & Spelling Test on Friday Grade 7: Unit 11- 3x each due Wed Flashcards & Spelling Tes...