Mrs. Cardinale's Class
Yearbook during computers Monday: Note from Mrs. Esterly: I will be coming in for computer class on monday. PLEASE be ready to work on your pages and to talk about the dedication. Only 3 months to go!!!! we need to get moving on the graduation pages. Look for photos and get them uploaded by the end of January. If you like, i can post them up for you or scan any hard copy images.Remember... this is YOUR project, YOUR 8th grade year. Let's make this the best book yet!Ongoing:
- Uniform Sweatshirts/Clothing Only going forward
- Check Google Classroom for announcements/assignments
- Collect Pictures for Yearbook
- Order your Yearbook
- First Friday Mass 1/3/20 - Join us!
- Ring and Pin Mass Sunday, January 26, 2020 at 9:00 am - more details to follow
- Check with Specials for HW/Projects Due
- Computers - Current Event - Due January; Recipe - Due TBA
- Spanish - Check for past due work
- Music - Good job at the concert!
8th Grade:
Math: Chapter 4 - Relations & Functions
- No HW
- iXL Once a week (Algebra - Q.1-Q.3)
Science: Chapter 4: Sound and Light
- No HW
7th Grade:
Math: Chapter 3 - Inequalities
- No HW
- No HW
- iXL once a week
Science: Chapter 4
- Chapter 4 Lesson 2 Vocabulary, due Monday
6th Grade:
Math: Chapter 4 - Expressions and Equations
- No HW
- iXL once a week
Science: Chapter 4
- Chapter 4 Lesson 1 Vocabulary - due Monday
God Bless, Mrs. Cardinale