Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Image result for advent week 2

  • DUE: Christmas Breakfast form ... added to Google Classroom - Homeroom if you need a new copy 
  • "Quarters for Kenya" Service Project - Grade 5 - $ .25 a guess ... money goes to help our sister school in Kenya. Fundraiser ends on Tomorrow!
  • Secret Santa gift due December 13th
  • Class party on Friday, December 14th!!!!
  • Christmas Concert - Thursday, December 20, 2018 - Costumes due Tuesday, December 18th 
  • Next yearbook meeting - 2019


      • 8th Grade: 
        • Chapter 3, Lesson 2 Vocabulary
      • 7th Grade:  
        • Chapter 4, Lesson 1 Vocabulary
      • 6th Grade:  
        •  Exit Ticket on Google Classroom


        • 8th Grade: 
          • Cardinale's Group:  Chapter 4 WB pg 89 (1-7), Weekly iXL lesson
          • Deacon Murphy's Group: Deacon Murphy's Math Blog
        • 7th Grade: 
          • Cardinale's Group:   WB pg 83, odds, Weekly iXL Lesson
          • Deacon Murphy's Group: Deacon Murphy's Math Blog
        • 6th Grade: 
          • Mrs. Cardinale’s group:  Chapter 3 Review - Extra Credit on Test Tomorrow, Weekly iXL Lesson
          • Deacon Murphy's Group: Deacon Murphy's Math Blog

        Thursday, 9/19/24

          Grade 6: Unit 1 Practice Test Vocab. test tomorrow; Bring in a book to read Grade 7: Vocab. test tomorrow; www....