1. Pizza money is due first thing tomorrow (Thursday) morning.
2. Ring and Pin ceremony is Friday, 2/3, at our closing mass for Catholic School's Week at 8:45am.
6th Grade:
1. Chapter 1 and 2 questions for Bridge to Terabithia. There are 4 questions to answer.
2. Spelling test on Unit 8 words on Friday.
3. Unit 8 Vocabulary work due on Monday, 1/30.
7th Grade:
1. "Amigo Brothers" story test on Thursday.
2. Spelling test on Unit 8 words on Friday.
3. Unit 8 vocabulary work due on Monday, 1/30.
8th Grade:
1. Religion test on Chapter 7 on Friday.
2. Spelling test on Unit 8 on Friday.
3. Unit 8 vocabulary work due on Monday, 1/30.