Monday, September 10, 2018

Monday, September 10, 2018

The students are such a blessing!  Even though it's hot, they are smiling and cooperative!



  • Students are allowed to bring a snack.  Also, please bring a jacket with a hood on rainy days.
  • Cover workbooks in clear contact paper. Due next week.
  • We will send art boxes home but we ask that students leave scissors, glue sticks, and colored pencils. 

  • Supplies: The Art Supplies List/Bin was omitted from this year's "School Supply List". Our students will now come into Art Class and be provided all supplies! In that respect, we are asking each family to send in $10.00 (per each student in your family), so that the Art Department can maintain these supplies for personal and collaborative works. Please remit this by cash or, if by check, made out to "St. Therese School" noting "ART" in the memo field. Enclose in an envelope marked: ART PROGRAM / Ms. HOPKINS. Please remit by 09/14/18. THANK YOU!


  • Bring in your goggles (if 6th or if brought home) for science. Please label and put in a large ziplock bag.
  • Bring in a notebook (preferably composition) for science. Make sure notebook rubric is stapled/attached to front cover.
  • 8th Grade: NO HOMEWORK
  • 7th Grade: Exit Ticket #6 of Worksheet
  • 6th Grade: Complete Worksheet


  • 8th Grade: 
    • Mrs. Cardinale's Group: WB pg 6 Section 1-3 evens
    • Deacon Murphy's Group: Deacon Murphy's Math Blog
  • 7th Grade: 
  • 6th Grade: 
    • Mrs. Cardinale's Group: 1-1 Textbook page 35 (pdf 56) 10-18
    • Deacon Murphy's Group: Deacon Murphy's Math Blog

Tuesday, 3/11/25

  Grade 6: Unit 11 -3x each due Wed Flashcards & Spelling Test on Friday Grade 7: Unit 11- 3x each due Wed Flashcards & Spelling Tes...