Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Tuesday, 3/14/23


1.  8th graders are needed to stay after on Wednesday, 3/15, to prepare for the baked potato fundraiser. Plan to stay until 6:00PM.

2. Fish and Chips fundraiser is 3/25. Please sign up on the link that was emailed.

6th Grade:

1. Section 7 Grammar Test on Thurs.; use evens in the section review or iXL to practice

2. Unit 11 Vocab. test on Friday

7th Grade:

1. Unit 11 Vocab. test on Friday, 3/17

2. Extra Credit poem memorization ("If" by Rudyard Kipling) due by 3/24

8th Grade: 

1. Unit 15 Vocab. test on Friday, 3/17

2. Please secure a copy of To Kill a Mockingbird as soon as possible

3. Extra Credit poem memorization ("If" by Rudyard Kipling) due by 3/24

Friday, 5/10/24

Thank you so much for all of the thoughtful notes and gifts I received during Teacher Appreciation Week!  I am so blessed to be a teacher at...