Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Wednesday, 2/21/24

  Grade 6:

  1. Finish Ch. 1 questions for Hatchet
  2. Flashcards due Friday
  3. Spelling Test on Unit 9 on Friday

Grade 7:

  1. Flashcards due Friday
  2. Spelling Test on Unit 9 on Friday

Grade 8:

  1. Finish 3 questions for Rorschach Activity
  2. Flashcards due Friday
  3. Spelling Test on Unit 9 on Friday

8th Grade Reminders:

  1. Friday, 2/23, is a "Free Choice" TAG Day. $1 to participate.
  2. Fish and Chips, hosted by Grade 8, is on Saturday, 3/2. Please make sure you are signed up for one of the shifts and to donate baked goods for dessert. Thank you!
  3. The next Yearbook meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, 2/28/24. Please send in a note if you will be staying after.

Wednesday, 2/5/25

  Grade 6: Vocab. - Practice Test Unit 8 - Vocab Test on Friday Grade 7: Vocab. - Practice Test Unit 8 - Vocab. Test on Friday Grade 8: Vo...