Thursday, January 25, 2024

Thursday, 1/25/24

 Grade 6:

  1. Unit 7 words:  3x each due Thurs.; Flashcards due Fri 
  2. Spelling Test on Friday, 1/26

Grade 7:

  1. Unit 7 flashcards due Fri 
  2. Spelling Test on Friday, 1/26

Grade 8:

  1. Voyages- pg. 25
  2. Rough draft of "The Gift of the Magi" Response to Literature extended to Friday
  3. Unit 7 flashcards due Fri 
  4. Spelling Test on Friday, 1/26

8th Grade Reminders:

  1. 2nd Marking Period ends Friday, 1/26
  2. 5 of your required 10 service hours should be completed by the end of Q2.

Wednesday, 2/5/25

  Grade 6: Vocab. - Practice Test Unit 8 - Vocab Test on Friday Grade 7: Vocab. - Practice Test Unit 8 - Vocab. Test on Friday Grade 8: Vo...