Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Wednesday, 1/31/24

 Grade 6:

  1. Vocab. Practice test
  2. Vocab. Test on Unit 7 on Friday, 2/2

Grade 7:

  1. Vocab. Practice test
  2. Vocab. test on Unit 7 on Friday, 2/2

Grade 8:

  1. Vocab. Practice test
  2. Final draft  (typed) of "The Gift of the Magi" essay due on Monday (EXTENDED!)
  3. Vocab test on Unit 7 on Friday, 2/2

8th Grade Reminders:

  1. Family Rosary Night on Wednesday, 1/31 at 6:30PM. Please join us!
  2. Red, White and Blue Tag Day on Thursday, 2/1.  8th Grade vs. Parents Volleyball game will be at 1PM.
  3. Ring and Pin Mass is Friday at 8:45 AM. All parents are invited to attend. 8th graders do not need to bring lunch on Friday.

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Tuesday, 1/30/24

 Grade 6:

  1. Vocab. pg. 105 and 109 (Completing the Sentences for Sets A and B)
  2. "When Marian Sang" story test will be on Wednesday ; Blooket review
  3. Vocab. Test on Unit 7 on Friday, 2/2

Grade 7:

  1. Vocab. pg. 105 and 109 (Completing the Sentences for Sets A and B)
  2. "Rikki Tikki Tavi" story test will be on Wednesday; Blooket review
  3. Vocab. test on Unit 7 on Friday, 2/2

Grade 8:

  1. Vocab. pg. 105 and 109 (Completing the Sentences for Sets A and B)
  2. Final draft  (typed) of "The Gift of the Magi" essay due on Thursday
  3. Vocab test on Unit 7 on Friday, 2/2

8th Grade Reminders:

  1. Family Rosary Night on Wednesday, 1/31 at 6:30PM. Please join us!
  2. Red, White and Blue Tag Day on Thursday, 2/1.  8th Grade vs. Parents Volleyball game will be at 1PM.
  3. Ring and Pin Mass is Friday at 8:45 AM. All parents are invited to attend. 8th graders do not need to bring lunch on Friday.

Monday, January 29, 2024

Monday, 1/29/24

 Grade 6:

  1. Vocab. pg. 104 and 108 (Choosing the Right Word for Sets A and B)
  2. "When Marian Sang" story test will be on Wednesday
  3. Vocab. Test on Unit 7 on Friday, 2/2

Grade 7:

  1. Vocab. pg. 104 and 108 (Choosing the Right Word for Sets A and B)
  2. "Rikki Tikki Tavi" story test will be on Wednesday
  3. Vocab. test on Unit 7 on Friday, 2/2

Grade 8:

  1. Voyages- pg. 26 #10-19
  2. Final draft  (typed) of "The Gift of the Magi" essay due on Thursday
  3. Vocab test on Unit 7 on Friday, 2/2

8th Grade Reminders:

  1. Family Rosary Night on Wednesday, 1/31 at 6:30PM. Please join us!
  2. Red, White and Blue Tag Day on Thursday, 2/1.  8th Grade vs. Parents Volleyball game will be at 1PM.
  3. Ring and Pin Mass is Friday at 8:45 AM. All parents are invited to attend. 8th graders do not need to bring lunch on Friday.

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Thursday, 1/25/24

 Grade 6:

  1. Unit 7 words:  3x each due Thurs.; Flashcards due Fri 
  2. Spelling Test on Friday, 1/26

Grade 7:

  1. Unit 7 flashcards due Fri 
  2. Spelling Test on Friday, 1/26

Grade 8:

  1. Voyages- pg. 25
  2. Rough draft of "The Gift of the Magi" Response to Literature extended to Friday
  3. Unit 7 flashcards due Fri 
  4. Spelling Test on Friday, 1/26

8th Grade Reminders:

  1. 2nd Marking Period ends Friday, 1/26
  2. 5 of your required 10 service hours should be completed by the end of Q2.

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Wednesday, 1/24/24

 Grade 6:

  1. Unit 7 words:  3x each due Thurs.; Flashcards due Fri 
  2. Finish Phonics pgs. for Thursday
  3. Spelling Test on Friday, 1/26
  4. Extra Credit Poem Memorization for Q2 by Thurs. 1/25

Grade 7:

  1. Unit 7 flashcards due Fri 
  2. Spelling Test on Friday, 1/26
  3. Extra Credit Poem Memorization for Q2 by Thurs. 1/25

Grade 8:

  1. Voyages- pg. 24
  2. Rough draft of "The Gift of the Magi" response to Literature due on Thurs.
  3. Unit 7 flashcards due Fri 
  4. Spelling Test on Friday, 1/26
  5. Extra Credit Poem Memorization for Q2 by Thurs. 1/25

8th Grade Reminders:

  1. 2nd Marking Period ends Friday, 1/26
  2. 5 of your required 10 service hours should be completed by the end of Q2.

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Tuesday, 1/23/24

 Grade 6:

  1. Unit 7 words:  3x each due Thurs.; Flashcards due Fri 
  2. Finish Phonics pgs. for Thursday
  3. Spelling Test on Friday, 1/26
  4. Extra Credit Poem Memorization for Q2 by Thurs. 1/25

Grade 7:

  1. Unit 7 words:  3x each due Wed.; Flashcards due Fri 
  2. Spelling Test on Friday, 1/26
  3. Extra Credit Poem Memorization for Q2 by Thurs. 1/25

Grade 8:

  1. "The Gift of the Magi" story test on Wednesday
  2. Rough draft of "The Gift of the Magi" response to Literature due on Thurs.
  3. Unit 7 words:  3x each due Wed.; Flashcards due Fri 
  4. Spelling Test on Friday, 1/26
  5. Extra Credit Poem Memorization for Q2 by Thurs. 1/25

8th Grade Reminders:

  1. 2nd Marking Period ends Friday, 1/26
  2. The next Yearbook Club meeting is Wednesday, 1/24. Please send in a note if you are staying after.
  3. 5 of your required 10 service hours should be completed by the end of Q2.

Monday, January 22, 2024

Monday, 1/22/24

 Grade 6:

  1. ***UPDATED****Midterm Exam on Tues., 1/23
  2. Unit 7 words:  3x each due Thurs.; Flash cards due Fri 
  3. Spelling Test on Friday, 1/26
  4. Extra Credit Poem Memorization for Q2 by Thurs. 1/25

Grade 7:

  1. Unit 7 words:  3x each due Wed.; Flash cards due Fri 
  2. Spelling Test on Friday, 1/26
  3. Extra Credit Poem Memorization for Q2 by Thurs. 1/25

Grade 8:

  1. Rough draft of "The Gift of the Magi" response to Literature due on Thurs.
  2. "The Gift of the Magi" story test on Wednesday
  3. Unit 7 words:  3x each due Wed.; Flash cards due Fri 
  4. Spelling Test on Friday, 1/26
  5. Extra Credit Poem Memorization for Q2 by Thurs. 1/25

8th Grade Reminders:

  1. Midterm Exams will be given 1/16-1/23
  2. 2nd Marking Period ends next Friday, 1/26
  3. Next Yearbook Club meeting is Wednesday, 1/24. Please send in a note if you are staying after.
  4. 5 of your required 10 service hours should be completed by the end of Q2.

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Wednesday, 1/17/24

 Grade 6:

  1. ***UPDATED****Midterm Exam on Tues., 1/23
  2. Extra Credit Poem Memorization for Q2 by Thurs. 1/25

Grade 7:

  1. Midterm Exam on Thurs., 1/18
  2. Extra Credit Poem Memorization for Q2 by Thurs. 1/25

Grade 8:

  1. Extra Credit Poem Memorization for Q2 by Thurs. 1/25

8th Grade Reminders:

  1. Midterm Exams will be given 1/16-1/23
  2. 2nd Marking Period ends next Friday, 1/26
  3. Next Yearbook Club meeting is Wednesday, 1/24. Please send in a note if you are staying after.
  4. 5 of your required 10 service hours should be completed by the end of Q2.

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Tuesday, 1/16/23

 Grade 6:

  1. ***UPDATED****Midterm Exam on Tues., 1/23
  2. Extra Credit Poem Memorization for Q2 by Thurs. 1/25

Grade 7:

  1. Midterm Exam on Thurs., 1/18
  2. Extra Credit Poem Memorization for Q2 by Thurs. 1/25

Grade 8:

  1. Midterm Exam on Wed., 1/17
  2. Extra Credit Poem Memorization for Q2 by Thurs. 1/25

8th Grade Reminders:

  1. Midterm Exams will be given 1/16-1/22
  2. Yearbook Meeting on Wednesday, 1/17. Please bring a note if you are staying after.
  3. 5 of your required 10 service hours should be completed by the end of Q2.

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Thursday, 1/11/24

 Grade 6:

  1. Midterm Exam on Tues., 1/16
  2. Extra Credit Poem Memorization for Q2 by Thurs. 1/25

Grade 7:

  1. "Amigo Brothers" short story test on Friday (Blooket Review)
  2. Midterm Exam on Thurs., 1/18
  3. Extra Credit Poem Memorization for Q2 by Thurs. 1/25

Grade 8:

  1. Midterm Exam on Wed., 1/17
  2. Extra Credit Poem Memorization for Q2 by Thurs. 1/25

8th Grade Reminders:

  1. TAG Day on 1/12/24 (no theme). $1 to participate
  2. No School on 1/15/24 for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
  3. Midterm Exams will be given 1/16-1/22
  4. Yearbook Meeting on Wednesday, 1/17. Please bring a note if you are staying after.
  5. 5 of your required 10 service hours should be completed by the end of Q2.

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Wednesday, 1/10/24

 Grade 6:

  1. "I have a dream..." speech questions due Thursday.
  2. Midterm Exam on Tues., 1/16
  3. Extra Credit Poem Memorization for Q2 by Thurs. 1/25

Grade 7:

  1. "Amigo Brothers" short story test on Friday
  2. Midterm Exam on Thurs., 1/18
  3. Extra Credit Poem Memorization for Q2 by Thurs. 1/25

Grade 8:

  1. Midterm Exam on Wed., 1/17
  2. Extra Credit Poem Memorization for Q2 by Thurs. 1/25

8th Grade Reminders:

  1. TAG Day on 1/12/24 (no theme). $1 to participate
  2. No School on 1/15/24 for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
  3. Midterm Exams will be given 1/16-1/22
  4. Yearbook Meeting on Wednesday, 1/17. Please bring a note if you are staying after.
  5. 5 of your required 10 service hours should be completed by the end of Q2.

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Tuesday, 1/9/24

 Grade 6:

  1. "I have a dream..." speech questions due Thursday.
  2. Midterm Exam on Tues., 1/16
  3. Extra Credit Poem Memorization for Q2 by Thurs. 1/25

Grade 7:

  1. "Amigo Brothers" short story test on Friday
  2. Midterm Exam on Thurs., 1/18
  3. Extra Credit Poem Memorization for Q2 by Thurs. 1/25

Grade 8:

  1. Read "The Gift of the Magi" by O. Henry by Wednesday
  2. Midterm Exam on Wed., 1/17
  3. Extra Credit Poem Memorization for Q2 by Thurs. 1/25

8th Grade Reminders:

  1. Yearbook Meeting CANCELED for Wednesday, 1/10. It is rescheduled for next Wednesday, 1/17.
  2. TAG Day on 1/12/24 (no theme). $1 to participate
  3. No School on 1/15/24 for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
  4. Midterm Exams will be given 1/16-1/22
  5. 5 of your required 10 service hours should be completed by the end of Q2.

Monday, January 8, 2024

Monday, 1/8/24

 Grade 6:

  1. Midterm Exam on Tues., 1/16
  2. Extra Credit Poem Memorization for Q2 by Thurs. 1/25

Grade 7:

  1. Midterm Exam on Thurs., 1/18
  2. Extra Credit Poem Memorization for Q2 by Thurs. 1/25

Grade 8:

  1. Section 2 Grammar Test tomorrow
  2. Read "The Gift of the Magi" by O. Henry by Wednesday
  3. Midterm Exam on Wed., 1/17
  4. Extra Credit Poem Memorization for Q2 by Thurs. 1/25

8th Grade Reminders:

  1. Yearbook Meeting on Wednesday, 1/10. Please send in a note if you plan to stay after.
  2. TAG Day on 1/12/24 (no theme). $1 to participate
  3. No School on 1/15/24 for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
  4. Midterm Exams will be given 1/16-1/22
  5. 5 of your required 10 service hours should be completed by the end of Q2.

Thursday, January 4, 2024

Thursday, 1/4/23

 Grade 6:

  1. Vocab. pg. 97
  2. Extra Credit Poem Memorization for Q2 by Thurs. 1/25

Grade 7:

  1. Vocab. pg. 97
  2. Extra Credit Poem Memorization for Q2 by Thurs. 1/25

Grade 8:

  1. Vocab. pg. 53
  2. Section 2 Grammar Review-- Odds only, Sections 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, and 2.4
  3. Extra Credit Poem Memorization for Q2 by Thurs. 1/25

8th Grade Reminders:

  1. First Friday Mass on 1/5 at 8:30am. Join us!
  2. TAG Day on 1/12/24 (no theme). $1 to participate
  3. No School on 1/15/24 for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
  4. Midterm Exams will be given 1/16-1/22
  5. 5 of your required 10 hours should be completed by the end of Q2.

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Wednesday, 1/3/24

 Grade 6:

  1. Vocab. pg. 53
  2. Extra Credit Poem Memorization for Q2 by Thurs. 1/25

Grade 7:

  1. Vocab. pg. 53
  2. Extra Credit Poem Memorization for Q2 by Thurs. 1/25

Grade 8:

  1. Section 2 Grammar Review-- Odds only, Sections 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, and 2.4
  2. Extra Credit Poem Memorization for Q2 by Thurs. 1/25

8th Grade Reminders:

  1. First Friday Mass on 1/5 at 8:30am. Join us!
  2. 5 of your required 10 hours should be completed by the end of Q2.

Tuesday, 3/11/25

  Grade 6: Unit 11 -3x each due Wed Flashcards & Spelling Test on Friday Grade 7: Unit 11- 3x each due Wed Flashcards & Spelling Tes...