1. Return signed report card slips ASAP.
2. Permission slip for play at MCHS due back by Friday.
3. Remember to order your Field Day Tshirt by 5/2
4. Middle School Dance is Friday, 5/12
5. If you are interested in volunteering with Vacation Bible School during the week of July 10-14, please let me know.
6th Grade:
1. Complete Slide 3 of The Lightning Thief on Google Classroom (Timeline)
2. Spelling test on Unit 13 on Friday, 4/21
3. Flash cards AND vocabulary work for Unit 13 due Monday, 4/24
7th Grade:
1. Spelling test on Unit 13 on Friday, 4/21
2. Flash cards and vocabulary work for Unit 13 due Monday, 4/24
8th Grade:
1. Religion- Ch. 11 Test on Friday
2. Literature- TKAM- finish reading Ch 11 for Monday
3. Spelling test on Unit 2 on Friday, 4/21
4. Flash cards and vocabulary work for Unit 2 due Monday, 4/24
5. Service Hours- make sure you complete your forms and get them signed. There is an opportunity this Saturday in Roxbury if you are in need of hours.