Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Wednesday, 2/15/23


1.  Pizza orders are due Thursday morning

6th Grade:

1. Unit 9 Vocabulary test on Friday, 2/17

2. Quotation Quest for Bridge to Terabithia 

7th Grade:

1. Unit 9 Vocabulary test on Friday, 2/17

2. Finish Section 10 Grammar Review- odds only; Grammar Test Wed. 2/22

3. Extra Credit poem memorization ("If" by Rudyard Kipling) due by 3/24

8th Grade:  

1. Unit 13 Vocabulary test on Friday

2. Religion- Chapter 8 test Friday, 2/17; Essay due 2/28

3. Extra Credit poem memorization ("If" by Rudyard Kipling) due by 3/24

Friday, 5/10/24

Thank you so much for all of the thoughtful notes and gifts I received during Teacher Appreciation Week!  I am so blessed to be a teacher at...