1. Bishop Sweeney will be celebrating the 5PM Mass on Saturday, 10/1/22. All school families are encouraged to join us (in uniform) as we celebrate our patroness, St. Therese, on her feast day!
2. TAG Day this Friday, 9/30. GO GOLD! $1 to participate
3. Walk-a-thon is next Wednesday, 10/5.
4. No School for students on Friday 10/7 and Monday 10/10.
5. 8th Grade Graduation Pictures will be on Fri., 10/14/22.
6. COOP Test will be on Monday, 11/14.
Grade 6:
1. Complete Unit 2 Vocabulary work by Thursday, 9/29.
Grade 7:
1. Complete Unit 2 Vocabulary work by Thursday, 9/29.
Grade 8:
1. Complete Unit 6 Vocabulary work by Thurday, 9/29.