November 10, 2021 - Day 48
- Friday 11/12 NO SCHOOL: Veterans Day
- Friday 11/19 Retake Picture Day: Bring Proof Envelope and Graduation Cap and Gown
- Monday 11/22- Wednesday 11/24 Noon DISMISSAL: After School Care available on Monday and Tuesday ONLY
Parent-Teacher Conferences
- Thursday 11/25- Friday 11/26 NO SCHOOL: Thanksgiving Break
- Tuesday, 11/30/21 ->Tag Day Supporting our Sister School St. Cecilia School in Kenya
- Bring lunch and plenty of water every day
- Bring and wear a mask every day
8th Grade:

- WB pg 73-74 1-27, odds
Math Help - Thursdays @ 6:00 meet code - MathHelp cancelled this week- iXL once a week 10-15 minutes
7th Grade:
- Chapter 2 Lesson 4 Review 4-7
- Chapter 2 Test - Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Math Help - Thursdays @ 6:00 meet code - MathHelp cancelled this week- iXL once a week 10-15 minutes
6th Grade:

- Daily Moon Phases

- WB pg 44, #s 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 & 11
- Chapter 4 Test Tuesday, November 16th
Math Help - Thursdays @ 6:00 meet code - MathHelp cancelled this week- iXL once a week 10-15 minutes

Love and Prayers,
Mrs. Cardinale