April 15, 2021 -Week 30 - 4th MP
- April Tag Day!!!! - Friday, April 16th - SPORTS DAY!!!!
- St. Jude Math-A-Thon Due
- HSA Plant Sale - see Friday Folder for details
- Fish & Chips - May 1st
- Cancer Blessing Bags - Due May 21st

📧 Email me! grade8@stthereseroxbury.org
8th Grade:
- Classwork/Topic: Chapter 7 Understanding the Atoms
- Classwork/Topic: Chapter 6
- WB 6-4 pg 181-182 2-28, evens
- iXL - 10-15 minutes - be sure to have 10 logins for MP4
7th Grade:
- Classwork/ Topic: Chapter 8
- Chapter 8 Lesson 1 Vocabulary - Be sure your notebook is Chapter 8 Ready with the Big Idea
- Classwork/Topic: Chapter 6
- 6-8 indirect measurement WB pg 181-182 2-14, evens
- iXL - 10-15 minutes - be sure to have 10 logins for MP4