April 19, 2021 -Week 31 - 4th MP
- Earth Day Tag Day - Thursday, April 22, 2021
- This Tag Day donation is SEPARATE from the Project Graduation monthly Tag Days. If you have sent in a full-year donation to Project Graduation, a separate donation is needed to participate in this special Tag Day and so we can direct funds to the American Forest Foundation. Thank you!—————
- St. Jude Math-A-Thon Due
- HSA Plant Sale - see Friday Folder for details
- Fish & Chips - May 1st
- Cancer Blessing Bags - Due May 21st

📧 Email me! grade8@stthereseroxbury.org
8th Grade:
- Classwork/Topic: Chapter 7 Understanding the Atoms
- Due Tuesday:
- C7L1R 4-9
- C7L2V
- Classwork/Topic: Chapter 6
- 6-4 p 181-182, 1-23, odds - collected
- iXL - 10-15 minutes - be sure to have 10 logins for MP4
7th Grade:
- Classwork/ Topic: Chapter 8
- Chapter 8 C8L2V
- Classwork/Topic: Chapter 6
- 6-9 p 183-184, 2-10, evens
- iXL - 10-15 minutes - be sure to have 10 logins for MP4