March 29, 2021 -Week 29 - 4th MP
- If you are traveling during Easter Break, please let us know.
- St. Jude Math-a-Thon Due
- HSA Plant Sale - see Friday Folder for details
- 1/2 Day - Holy Thursday
- No School - Good Friday
- Easter Break - April 2nd - April 11th

📧 Email me!
8th Grade:
- Classwork/Topic: Chapter 7 Understanding the Atom
- Classwork/Topic: Chapter 6
- WB 6-1 pg 175 7-16
- iXL - 10-15 minutes Z.1 -> Z.10 - be sure to have 10 logins for MP3
7th Grade:
- Classwork/ Topic: Chapter 7
- Chapter 7 Project - Classwork
- Chapter 7 Lesson 3 Vocabulary
- Classwork/Topic: Chapter 6
- 6-4 1-15, odd p 173-174
- iXL - 10-15 minutes - be sure to have 10 logins for MP3