Happy, Blessed New Year!
January 4, 2021 -- Week 17
Remember to wear your masks and practice social distancing. Doing your part helps others!
- Secret Santa Gift: $15 - Due Friday, December 18th (We will exchange on Wednesday, January 4, 2021)
- Live Nativity - Wednesday, January 4, 2021 at 7:15am - Outside
- Computer Class --> Current Event Due January 11, 2021; See Mrs. Hall's Google Classroom/Blog for Details
- Permission Slip: Student-Only Christmas Celebration --> Permission Slip
- Wear a coat - it is cold outside! brrrr
- Bring a book to read during transitions - anything you enjoy!
- Bring a rosary for in-class prayers
- Bring and wear a mask, lunch, and plenty of water every day
- Pizza Fridays: See the Friday Folder or click here --> Details
- School Store on Friday!!! --> Details
8th Grade:

- Chapter 3 Open Book Test - Tomorrow
- 4-11 p 127-128 2-24, evens
- Practice iXL (Links in Google Classroom) - 10-15 minutes each week
7th Grade:

- Chapter 5 Lesson 1 Vocabulary
- 4-12, WB 105-106, 2-28, evens
- Practice iXL (Links in Google Classroom) - 10-15 minutes each week