October 14, 2020
Happy Wednesday! Remember to wear your masks and practice social distancing. Doing your part, helps others!
- 8th Grade Fundraising is in full swing! Keep an eye open for more information, emails and sign ups.
- Pizza kits
- Family Portraits
- Meatball Madness
- Bring a book to read during transitions - anything you enjoy!
- Bring a rosary for prayers next week - we will use daily for our morning prayers in October
- Bring and wear a mask, lunch, and plenty of water every day
- Pizza Fridays are back! See the Friday Folder or click here --> Pizza Friday Form
8th Grade:
- Key Concept, "Describe your home's position." Make sure to give a reference point.
- Delta Math Assignment - Due Friday
- Practice iXL - 10-15 minutes each week
7th Grade:
- No HW
- Delta Math - Due Friday (Mrs. C's Group)
- Practice iXL - 10-15 minutes each week
6th Grade:
- Longitude and Latitude Worksheet
- WB pg 24, evens
- Practice iXL (Links in Google Classroom) - 10-15 minutes each week
Love and Prayers,
Mrs. Cardinale