Thursday, May 16, 2019

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Image result for happy easter religious

Mrs. Cardinale's 

Math & Science Class


  • Thank you so much for spoiling me last week ... I really feel special!  I loved everything from the decorated door to the flowers on Friday and everything in between.  I am truly blessed! <3
  • John Rackowski Scholarship essays are due tomorrow - Late entries will no be considered for the scholarship.Please note: this is mandatory and was explained in class when handed out two weeks ago.  It will be a graded science assignment, simply 100 if handed in and 0 if not.  If you are absent, you still need to submit it to me on time and can be submitted electronically or parent can drop off.
  • 8th Grade Retreat Permission slips went home today - please return by Friday, May 17, 2019.
  • Friday, May 17th & Wednesday, May 22nd will be our 8th grade NUT Days. Students do not need to pay for these days.
  • Please send in pictures you would like included in the graduation slideshow on a thumb drive. This is very important so that I can create the slideshow with everyone included.

  • Plan your field day event with your partner/group.
  • If you have not sent in your graduation fee, please do so. 


  • 6th grade service Project called "Dollars for Scholars" is running until the end of the month. They will sell chances to guess how many M & Ms are in a jar.  The winner will receive a $25 gift card. All proceeds will go to Mrs. Cornish's dear friend who is traveling to Uganda with her church in June to build and renovate Christian schools.
  • 7th & 8th Grade Service Project: Baby Shower for Birth Haven is running until the end of the month.  Please see information on the Friday Folder.
  • Field Day - Wednesday, June 5, 2019 - 8th grade hosts - parents welcome to join us for the day of events
  • Thursday, June 6, 2019: Awards 10:00 am and Baccalaureate Mass & Graduation 5:00 pm


  • Check Google Classroom for additional assignments, especially COMPUTERS & SPANISH 


Image result for keep calm and love science

Grade 8

STEM Project
Please work on projects ...
design ideas, supply lists,
material collection.
Please give to me
by the end of the day
tomorrow so that I can
order materials, if needed.

Look for the Study
Guide for the final exam
that will post on
Google Classroom
by the end of the

day tomorrow.

Grade 7

Due Monday 5/20
(extended due date)
Periodic Table Project

Due Tuesday 5/21
C11 Review 1-9, 11,13, 17

Wednesday, 5/22
Review for Test
Thursday, 5/23
Chapter 11 Test

Look for the Study
Guide that will post on
Google Classroom
by the end of the

day tomorrow.

Grade 6


Look for the Study
Guide that will post on
Google Classroom
by the end of the
day tomorrow.


Grade 8
Mrs. Cardinale's Group
  • No HW
  • iXL
Grade 7
Mrs. Cardinale's Group
  • WB pg 249-250, all
  • iXL

Grade 6:
Mrs. Cardinale's Group
  • WB pg 103, evens
  • iXL
Deacon Murphy's Math Group

God Bless, Mrs. Cardinale

Wednesday, 3/12/25

  Grade 6: Flashcards & Spelling Test on Friday Grade 7: Flashcards & Spelling Test on Friday Grade 8: Flashcards & Spelling Tes...