Mrs. Cardinale's
Math & Science
- Due to Lent and our mass schedule, the March tag day has been changed to Tuesday, March 19th. April will also change and the new date is Tuesday, April 16th.
- A sign-up Genius was sent regarding next week ... please consider helping with lunch and/or assisting with the bake sale.
- Update: A letter will go home Monday regarding staying after school Wednesday, March 13th to help prepare for the baked potato lunch. It will include a permission slip. Please look for it.
- Please order a potato for Thursday, March 14th!! If you already ordered with Simply Gourmet, they will credit you for next month!
- Please gather and share pictures for yearbook. Also, please send in pictures you would like included in the graduation slideshow on a thumb drive. If this is a project you would enjoy, please let me know. I am working on a google classroom to add photos.
- Yearbook will meet on Tuesday, March 12th ... as a HW assignment, please gather pictures needed for your page.
- A form went home regarding diplomas Thursday. Please complete and return.
- Tickets have arrived! If you have not sent in your parent chaperone fee, please do so.
- If you have not sent in your graduation fee, please do so.
- Plan your field day event with your partner/group
- Upcoming events:
- Corned Beef and Cabbage Dinner to benefit the HSA Saturday, March 9, 2019 - I'll be there, hope to see you!
- Baked Potato Sale and Bake Sale, Thursday, March 14, 2019 Order your potato and support your class :-)
- We need baked goods donations and help with cooking - sign-up will go out for needs to make this FUNdraiser a success!
- Fish & Chips Dinner to benefit 8th Grade Saturday, April 13, 2019
- We need baked goods donations for desserts - sign-up will go out for needs to make this FUNdraiser a success!
- Clothing Drive to benefit 8th Grade Friday, March 22-Sunday March 24, 2019 and pick up on Monday, March 25, 2019
- Help will be needed by all students and a sign-up will go out shortly.
- 8th Grade:
- Iowa testing No HW
- 7th Grade:
- Chapter 9 Biome Project - due after Iowa Testing
- 6th Grade:
- Chapter 6 Vocabulary - all Due after Iowa Testing Monday, March 11, 2019
- 8th Grade:
- iXL -- once a week
- Deacon Murphy's Group: Deacon Murphy's Math Blog
- 7th Grade:
- iXL -- once a week
- Deacon Murphy's Group: Deacon Murphy's Math Blog
- 6th Grade:
- Extra credit monthly practice due .. I will hand out the March packet tomorrow.
- iXL -- once a week
- Deacon Murphy's Group: Deacon Murphy's Math Blog