Happy New Year - 2019
- Tag Day! PJ Day Tomorrow! :-)
- Sunday, January 27, 2019 at 9:00 am: Catholic Schools Week Liturgy and Grade 8 Ring & Pin Mass
- Let me know if you plan to attend the class trip. It will be on Wednesday, May 8th.
- 8th Grade:
- Chapter 4 Lesson 1 Review (4-9)
- Page for your word - Due tomorrow
- 7th Grade:
- Study for review game -- test Monday. Study guide and quizlet on Google Classroom.
- 6th Grade:
- Study Vocabulary & Study Guide for Test on Tuesday. Vocabulary Review tomorrow.
- 8th Grade:
- Cardinale's Group: Page 96; 14-20, evens
- iXL -- once a week
- Deacon Murphy's Group: Deacon Murphy's Math Blog
- 7th Grade:
- Cardinale's Group: WB pg 101-102; pick 2 from each section
- iXL -- once a week
- Deacon Murphy's Group: Deacon Murphy's Math Blog
- 6th Grade:
- Mrs. Cardinale’s group: WB pg 42 1-18; evens
- iXL -- once a week
- Deacon Murphy's Group: Deacon Murphy's Math Blog