
- Yearbook Meeting After School Tomorrow -- Tuesday, November 27, 2018
- Class fundraiser ALERT- "Parent's Night Out". December 7, 2018. We plan to offer a fun night for STS students while their parents go out. If you would like to coordinate this event, please let me know. Need help planning activities, making flyers. If you would like to coordinate this event, please let me know. We are considering a dance party (maybe a guest sibling can help), snacks/dinner, crafts, movie, slime making, ... however, we are open to ideas.
- Santa Shop pre-orders due forms due Friday.
- 8th Grade:
- No HW
- 7th Grade:
- Chapter 3, Lesson 1 Vocabulary. View Brain Pop to prepare for a class assignment tomorrow. The link is in the assignments through the textbook.
- Collaborative 3-D project - tinkercad. Work on details
- 6th Grade:
- Chapter 3, Lesson 2 Vocabulary - checking tomorrow
- 8th Grade:
- Cardinale's Group: 3-1 WB pg 65 1-7, 8-22 evens
- Deacon Murphy's Group: Deacon Murphy's Math Blog
- 7th Grade:
- Cardinale's Group: 3-1 WB pg 61 evens
- Deacon Murphy's Group: Deacon Murphy's Math Blog
- 6th Grade:
- Mrs. Cardinale’s group: 3-3, Division WB pg 24 all
- Deacon Murphy's Group: Deacon Murphy's Math Blog