
Nativity Costume
I need all costumes back to school no later than Tuesday, December 18, 2018. Thank you so much for all you help! God Bless, Mrs. Cardinale
- "Quarters for Kenya" Service Project - Grade 5 - $ .25 a guess ... money goes to help our sister school in Kenya.
- Thursday - HSA meeting at 7:00
- Babysitting for HSA meeting - service hours. Please bring in note if you can help.
- Next yearbook meeting - Tuesday, December 4, 2018
- Santa Shop pre-orders due forms due Friday.
- Secret Santa gift due December 13th
- Christmas Concert - Thursday, December 20, 2018
- 8th Grade:
- Study for Chapter Test on Tuesday
- 7th Grade:
- Chapter 3 Lesson 2 Vocabulary. Also, finish tissue chart w/ functions
- Collaborative 3-D project - tinkercad. Work on details
- 6th Grade:
- Will check chapter review tomorrow.
- 8th Grade:
- Cardinale's Group: WB pg 69, all
- Deacon Murphy's Group: Deacon Murphy's Math Blog
- 7th Grade:
- Cardinale's Group: WB pg 67, all
- Deacon Murphy's Group: Deacon Murphy's Math Blog
- 6th Grade:
- Mrs. Cardinale’s group: WB pg 26, odds
- Deacon Murphy's Group: Deacon Murphy's Math Blog