Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Tuesday, 4/30/24

 Grade 6:

  1. Completing the Sentence sets A & B)
  2. Unit 13 Practice Test due Wednesday
  3. Unit 13 Vocab test on Friday, 5/3

Grade 7

  1. Completing the Sentence (sets A & B)
  2. Unit 13 Practice Test due Wednesday
  3. Unit 13 Vocab test on Friday, 5/3

Grade 8:

  1. Choosing the Right Word (Sets A & B)
  2. Section 4 Grammar test on Wednesday
  3. John Rackowski Scholarship essay due on Wednesday, 5/1
  4. Service Hours papers due Wednesday, 5/1
  5. Unit 13 Practice Test due Thursday
  6. Unit 13 Vocab test on Friday, 5/3

8th Grade Reminders:

  1. First Friday mass this week, 5/3. Join us at 8:45 AM
  2. Paint Night is scheduled for 5/3. 

Monday, April 29, 2024

Monday, 4/29/24

 Grade 6:

  1. Choosing the Right Word (sets A & B)
  2. Unit 13 Practice Test due Wednesday
  3. Unit 13 Vocab test on Friday, 5/3

Grade 7

  1. Choosing the Right Word (sets A & B)
  2. Unit 13 Practice Test due Wednesday
  3. Unit 13 Vocab test on Friday, 5/3

Grade 8:

  1. Section 4 Grammar Review due tomorrow; test on Wednesday
  2. Unit 13 Vocab test on Friday, 5/3
  3. John Rackowski Scholarship essay due on Wednesday, 5/1
  4. Service Hours papers due Wednesday, 5/1

8th Grade Reminders:

  1. First Friday mass this week, 5/3. Join us at 8:45 AM
  2. Paint Night is scheduled for 5/3. 

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Thursday, 4/25/24

 Grade 6:

  1. Unit 13 Flashcards due Friday
  2. Unit 13 Spelling test on Friday, 4/26

Grade 7

  1. Unit 13 Flashcards due Friday
  2. Quiz on Ch. 1-4 of The Outsiders tomorrow
  3. Unit 13 Spelling test on Friday, 4/26

Grade 8:

  1. Unit 13  Flashcards due Friday
  2. Unit 13 Spelling test on Friday, 4/26
  3. John Rackowski Scholarship essay due on Wednesday, 5/1

8th Grade Reminders:

  1. Volunteer Opportunity at the Mother/Son Carnival THIS Saturday, 4/27 from 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM. Please let me know if you are interested in helping!

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

 Grade 6:

  1. Unit 13 words 3x each due Wednesday; Flashcards due Friday
  2. The Lightning Thief quiz on Ch. 1-6 on Wednesday
  3. Unit 13 Spelling test on Friday, 4/26

Grade 7

  1. Unit 13 words 3x each due Wednesday; Flashcards due Friday
  2. Unit 13 Spelling test on Friday, 4/26

Grade 8:

  1. Unit 13 words 3x each due Wednesday; Flashcards due Friday
  2. Unit 13 Spelling test on Friday, 4/26
  3. John Rackowski Scholarship essay due on Wednesday, 5/1

8th Grade Reminders:

  1. There is NO Yearbook Meeting this Wednesday, 4/24. 
  2. Volunteer Opportunity at the Mother/Son Carnival THIS Saturday, 4/27 from 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM. Please let me know if you are interested in helping!

Monday, April 22, 2024

Monday, 4/22/24

 Grade 6:

  1. Unit 13 words 3x each due Wednesday; Flashcards due Friday
  2. The Lightning Thief quiz on Ch. 1-6 on Wednesday
  3. Unit 13 Spelling test on Friday, 4/26

Grade 7

  1. Unit 13 words 3x each due Wednesday; Flashcards due Friday
  2. Unit 13 Spelling test on Friday, 4/26

Grade 8:

  1. TKAM questions for Ch. 7/8 due tomorrow
  2. Unit 13 words 3x each due Wednesday; Flashcards due Friday
  3. Unit 13 Spelling test on Friday, 4/26
  4. John Rackowski Scholarship essay due on Wednesday, 5/1

8th Grade Reminders:

  1. Volunteer Opportunity at the Mother/Son Carnival THIS Saturday, 4/27 from 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM. Please let me know if you are interested in helping!
  2. There is a Yearbook Meeting Scheduled for this Wednesday, 4/24. Please send in a note if you are planning on staying after.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Wednesday, 4/17/24

 Grade 6:

  1. Unit 12 Vocab. test on Friday, 4/19

Grade 7

  1. Grammar Test on Section 4 tomorrow
  2. Unit 12 Vocab. test on Friday, 4/19

Grade 8:

  1. TKAM quiz on Ch. 1-6 tomorrow
  2. Unit 12 Vocab. test on Friday, 4/19

8th Grade Reminders:

  1. TAG Day Friday, 4/19

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Tuesday, 4/16/24

 Grade 6:

  1. Completing the Sentence (Sets A and B) due tomorrow
  2. Phonics pg. 140-144 due Wednesday
  3. Online Practice test for Vocabulary Unit 12 due by Wednesday
  4. Unit 12 Vocab. test on Friday, 4/19

Grade 7

  1. Completing the Sentence (Sets A and B) due tomorrow
  2. Online Practice test for Vocabulary Unit 12 due by Wednesday
  3. Unit 12 Vocab. test on Friday, 4/19

Grade 8:

  1. Completing the Sentence (Sets A and B) due tomorrow
  2. Online Practice test for Vocabulary Unit 12 due by Wednesday
  3. Unit 12 Vocab. test on Friday, 4/19

8th Grade Reminders:

  1. TAG Day Friday, 4/19

Monday, April 15, 2024

Monday, 4/15/24

 Grade 6:

  1. Choosing the Right Word (Sets A and B) due tomorrow
  2. Section 3 Grammar Test tomorrow (Sink or Sail Review)
  3. Phonics pg. 140-144 due Wednesday
  4. Online Practice test for Vocabulary Unit 12 due by Wednesday
  5. Unit 12 Vocab. test on Friday, 4/19

Grade 7

  1. Choosing the Right Word (Sets A and B) due tomorrow
  2. Online Practice test for Vocabulary Unit 12 due by Wednesday
  3. Unit 12 Vocab. test on Friday, 4/19

Grade 8:

  1. Complete Chapter 2/3 questions for To Kill a Mockingbird 
  2. Choosing the Right Word (Sets A and B) due tomorrow
  3. Online Practice test for Vocabulary Unit 12 due by Wednesday
  4. Unit 12 Vocab. test on Friday, 4/19

8th Grade Reminders:

  1. TAG Day Friday, 4/19

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Thursday, 4/11/24

 Grade 6:

  1. Flashcards due Friday for Unit 12
  2. Unit 12 Spelling test on Friday, 4/12
  3. Section 3 Grammar Test on Tuesday

Grade 7

  1. Flashcards due Friday for Unit 12
  2. Unit 12 Spelling test on Friday, 4/12

Grade 8:

  1. Complete Chapter 2/3 vocabulary for To Kill a Mockingbird ; books needed ASAP!
  2. Flashcards due Friday for Unit 12
  3. Unit 12 Spelling test on Friday, 4/12

8th Grade Reminders:

  1. TAG Day Friday, 4/19

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Wednesday, 4/10/24

 Grade 6:

  1. Section 3 Grammar Review due tomorrow (Test on Tuesday)
  2. Flashcards due Friday for Unit 12
  3. Unit 12 Spelling test on Friday, 4/12

Grade 7

  1. Flashcards due Friday for Unit 12
  2. Unit 12 Spelling test on Friday, 4/12

Grade 8:

  1. Complete Chapter 1 worksheet for To Kill a Mockingbird ; books needed ASAP!
  2. Flashcards due Friday for Unit 12
  3. Unit 12 Spelling test on Friday, 4/12

8th Grade Reminders:

  1. TAG Day Friday, 4/19

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Tuesday, 4/9/2024

 Grade 6:

  1. 3x each due Wednesday; Flashcards due Friday for Unit 12
  2. Unit 12 Spelling test on Friday, 4/12

Grade 7

  1. 3x each due Wednesday; Flashcards due Friday for Unit 12
  2. Voyages pg. 181 (Quatrain) due tomorrow
  3. Unit 12 Spelling test on Friday, 4/12

Grade 8:

  1. To Kill a Mockingbird books needed ASAP!
  2. 3x each due Wednesday; Flashcards due Friday for Unit 12
  3. Unit 12 Spelling test on Friday, 4/12

8th Grade Reminders:

  1. Yearbook Meeting on Wednesday, 4/10

Monday, April 8, 2024

Monday, 4/8/24

 Grade 6:

  1. 3x each due Wednesday; Flashcards due Friday for Unit 12
  2. Unit 12 Spelling test on Friday, 4/12

Grade 7

  1. 3x each due Wednesday; Flashcards due Friday for Unit 12
  2. Unit 12 Spelling test on Friday, 4/12

Grade 8:

  1. 5 Questions for To Kill a Mockingbird; books needed ASAP!
  2. 3x each due Wednesday; Flashcards due Friday for Unit 12
  3. Unit 12 Spelling test on Friday, 4/12

8th Grade Reminders:

  1. Yearbook Meeting on Wednesday, 4/10

Thursday, April 4, 2024


 Grade 8:

Please secure a copy of To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, as we will begin reading it together in class when we return during the week of 4/8. You can purchase a copy on Amazon or at Barnes and Noble. 

Tuesday, 3/11/25

  Grade 6: Unit 11 -3x each due Wed Flashcards & Spelling Test on Friday Grade 7: Unit 11- 3x each due Wed Flashcards & Spelling Tes...