Thursday, November 30, 2023

Thursday, 11/30/23

 Grade 6:

  1. Flash cards & Spelling test on Unit 6 on Friday
  2. Book to read during Literature

Grade 7:

  1. Flash cards & Spelling test on Unit 6 on Friday
  2. Book to read during Literature

Grade 8:

  1. Voyages pg. 15
  2. Flash cards & Spelling test on Unit 6 on Friday
  3. Book to read during Literature

8th Grade Reminders:

  1. First Friday Mass tomorrow, 12/1, at 8:45 AM.
  2. Friday, 12/8, is a Holy Day of Obligation for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. It is also a 12:00 PM Dismissal.
  3. Christmas & Band Concert for Grades 4-8 is Thursday, 12/14, at 7PM.
  4. Pajama Day fundraiser for CHOP on 12/15.
  5. 5 of your required 10 hours should be completed by the end of Q2.

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Wednesday, 11/29/23

 Grade 6:

  1. Phonics pg. 33-36 due Thursday
  2. Flash cards & Spelling test on Unit 6 on Friday
  3. Book to read during Literature

Grade 7:

  1. Voyages pg. 18
  2. Freak the Mighty quiz on Thursday on Ch. 5-14
  3. Flash cards & Spelling test on Unit 6 on Friday
  4. Book to read during Literature

Grade 8:

  1. Flash cards & Spelling test on Unit 6 on Friday
  2. Book to read during Literature

8th Grade Reminders:

  1. First Friday Mass this week, 12/1, at 8:45 AM.
  2. Friday, 12/8, is a Holy Day of Obligation for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. It is also a 12:00 PM Dismissal.
  3. Christmas & Band Concert for Grades 4-8 is Thursday, 12/14, at 7PM.
  4. Pajama Day fundraiser for CHOP on 12/15.
  5. 5 of your required 10 hours should be completed by the end of Q2.

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Tuesday, 11/28/23

 Grade 6:

  1. Unit 6 words 3x each due Wednesday
  2. Flash cards & Spelling test on Unit 6 on Friday
  3. Phonics pg. 33-36 due Thursday
  4. Book to read during Literature

Grade 7:

  1. Unit 6 words 3x each due Wednesday
  2. Freak the Mighty quiz on Thursday on Ch. 5-14
  3. Flash cards & Spelling test on Unit 6 on Friday
  4. Book to read during Literature

Grade 8:

  1. Unit 6 words 3x each due Wednesday
  2. The Giver quiz on Ch. 1-6 tomorrow
  3. Flash cards & Spelling test on Unit 6 on Friday
  4. Book to read during Literature

8th Grade Reminders:

  1. Yearbook Club meeting on Wednesday, 11/29. Please send in a note if you are staying after.
  2. First Friday Mass this week, 12/1, at 8:45 AM.
  3. Friday, 12/8, is a Holy Day of Obligation for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. It is also a 12:00 PM Dismissal.
  4. Christmas & Band Concert for Grades 4-8 is Thursday, 12/14, at 7PM.
  5. 5 of your required 10 hours should be completed by the end of Q2.

Monday, November 27, 2023

Monday, 11/27/23

 Grade 6:

  1. Unit 6 words 3x each due Wednesday
  2. Flash cards & Spelling test on Unit 6 on Friday
  3. Phonics pg. 33-36 due Thursday
  4. Book to read during Literature

Grade 7:

  1. Unit 6 words 3x each due Wednesday
  2. Flash cards & Spelling test on Unit 6 on Friday
  3. Book to read during Literature

Grade 8:

  1. Reader response questions for Chapters 1-4 of The Giver
  2. Unit 6 words 3x each due Wednesday
  3. Flash cards & Spelling test on Unit 6 on Friday
  4. Book to read during Literature

8th Grade Reminders:

  1. Yearbook Club meeting on Wednesday, 11/29. Please send in a note if you are staying after.
  2. First Friday Mass this week, 12/1, at 8:45 AM.
  3. Friday, 12/8, is a Holy Day of Obligation for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. It is also a 12:00 PM Dismissal.
  4. Christmas & Band Concert for Grades 4-8 is Thursday, 12/14, at 7PM.
  5. 5 of your required 10 hours should be completed by the end of Q2.

Monday, November 20, 2023

Monday, 11/20/23

 Grade 6:

  1. Bridge to Terabithia Ch. 1-6 quiz on Tuesday
  2. Book to read during Literature

Grade 7:

  1. Chapter 10 Questions for Freak the Mighty
  2. Book to read during Literature

Grade 8:

  1. Unit 5 Practice Test
  2. Unit 5 Vocab. test on Wednesday
  3. Book to read during Literature

8th Grade Reminders:

  1. 8th Grade Graduation Picture retakes are on Monday, 11/27/23
  2. Noon dismissal on 11/21, and 11/22. No aftercare is available on 11/22.
  3. Opportunities for service hours:  Santa Breakfast and Volunteer Coach for after-school soccer clinic. 5 of your required 10 hours should be completed by the end of Q2.

Friday, November 17, 2023

Friday, 11/17/23

 Grade 6:

  1. Bridge to Terabithia Ch. 1-6 quiz on Tuesday
  2. Book to read during Literature

Grade 7:

  1. Book to read during Literature

Grade 8:

  1. Pre-Reading activity for The Giver on Google Classroom due Mon.
  2. Unit 5 Vocab. test on Wednesday
  3. Book to read during Literature

8th Grade Reminders:

  1. Picture retakes are on Friday, 11/17/23
  2. Noon dismissal on 11/20, 11/21, and 11/22. No aftercare is available on 11/22.
  3. TAG Day (no theme) on Monday, 11/20.
  4. Opportunities for service hours:  Santa Breakfast and Volunteer Coach for after-school soccer clinic. 5 of your required 10 hours should be completed by the end of Q2.

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Thursday, 11/16/23

 Grade 6:

  1. Unit 5 Vocab. test on Friday
  2. Book to read during Literature

Grade 7:

  1. Unit 5 Vocab. test on Friday
  2. Book to read during Literature

Grade 8:

  1. Unit 5 Spelling flashcards & Spelling test on Friday
  2. Book to read during Literature

8th Grade Reminders:

  1. Picture retakes are on Friday, 11/17/23
  2. Noon dismissal on 11/20, 11/21, and 11/22. No aftercare is available on 11/22.
  3. TAG Day (no theme) on Monday, 11/20.
  4. Opportunities for service hours:  Santa Breakfast and Volunteer Coach for after-school soccer clinic. 5 of your required 10 hours should be completed by the end of Q2.

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Wednesday, 11/15/23

Grade 6:

  1. Vocab. Practice Test (Sadlier website)
  2. Unit 5 Vocab. test on Friday
  3. Book to read during Literature

Grade 7:

  1. Vocab. Practice Test (Sadlier website)
  2. Unit 5 Vocab. test on Friday
  3. Book to read during Literature

Grade 8:

  1. Vocab. pg. 78
  2. Unit 5 Spelling flashcards & Spelling test on Friday
  3. Book to read during Literature

8th Grade Reminders:

  1. Picture retakes are on Friday, 11/17/23
  2. Noon dismissal on 11/20, 11/21, and 11/22. No aftercare is available on 11/22.
  3. TAG Day (no theme) on Monday, 11/20.
  4. Opportunities for service hours:  Santa Breakfast and Volunteer Coach for after-school soccer clinic. 5 of your required 10 hours should be completed by the end of Q2.

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Tuesday, 11/14/23

 Grade 6:

  1. Vocab. pg. 78
  2. Unit 5 Vocab. test on Friday
  3. Book to read during Literature

Grade 7:

  1. Vocab. pg. 78
  2. Unit 5 Vocab. test on Friday
  3. Book to read during Literature

Grade 8:

  1. Unit 5 words 3x each due tomorrow
  2. Unit 5 Spelling flashcards & Spelling test on Friday
  3. Book to read during Literature

8th Grade Reminders:

  1. Opportunities for service hours:  Santa Breakfast and Volunteer Coach for after-school soccer clinic. 5 of your required 10 hours should be completed by the end of Q2.

Thursday, November 9, 2023

Thursday, 11/9/23

 Grade 6:

  1. Flash cards due & Spelling test for Unit 5 on Friday, 11/10
  2. Book to read during Literature

Grade 7:

  1. Flash cards due and Spelling test for Unit 5 on Friday, 11/10
  2. Book to read during Literature

Grade 8:

  1. HSPT entrance ticket signed with 3 school codes indicated
  2. Permission slip for MCHS trip
  3. Book to read during Literature

8th Grade Reminders:

  1. No School on Monday, 11/13.
  2. Buy your tickets for Designer Bag Bingo coming up in 2 weeks!
  3. Two opportunities for service hours:  Santa Breakfast on 12/2 and Volunteer Coach for after-school soccer clinic. 

5 of your required 10 hours should be completed by the end of Q2.

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Wednesday, 11/8/23

Grade 6:

  1. Flash cards due & Spelling test for Unit 5 on Friday, 11/10
  2. Finish edits of final draft of "My Favorite Book" essay
  3. Book to read during Literature

Grade 7:

  1. Chapter 1-4 quiz on Freak the Mighty tomorrow
  2. Flash cards due and Spelling test for Unit 5 on Friday, 11/10
  3. Book to read during Literature

Grade 8:

  1. HSPT entrance ticket signed with 3 school codes indicated
  2. Permission slip for MCHS trip
  3. Book to read during Literature

8th Grade Reminders:

  1. Buy your tickets for Designer Bag Bingo coming up in 2 weeks!
  2. Two opportunities for service hours:  Santa Breakfast on 12/2 and Volunteer Coach for after-school soccer clinic. 

5 of your required 10 hours should be completed by the end of Q2.

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Tuesday, 11/7/23

 Grade 6:

  1. 3x each due Wednesday
  2. Flash cards due & Spelling test for Unit 5 on Friday, 11/10
  3. Finish typing final draft of "My Favorite Book" essay by Wednesday
  4. Book to read during Literature

Grade 7:

  1. 3x each due Wednesday
  2. Chapter 3 and 4 questions for Freak the Mighty
  3. Flash cards due and Spelling test for Unit 5 on Friday, 11/10
  4. Book to read during Literature

Grade 8:

  1. HSPT entrance ticket signed with 3 school codes indicated
  2. Permission slip for MCHS trip
  3. Book to read during Literature

8th Grade Reminders:

  1. Buy your tickets for Designer Bag Bingo coming up in 2 weeks!
  2. An opportunity for service hours at the Santa Breakfast on 12/2 was handed out today.  5 of your 10 service hours should be completed by the end of the 2nd Marking Period (1/26/24). 
  3. Graduation Fee was due by 10/1
  4. Scholastic Book Orders:

Monday, November 6, 2023

Monday, 11/6/23

 Grade 6:

  1. 3x each due Wednesday
  2. Flash cards due & Spelling test for Unit 5 on Friday, 11/10
  3. Finish typing final draft of "My Favorite Book" essay by Wednesday
  4. Book to read during Literature

Grade 7:

  1. 3x each due Wednesday
  2. Flash cards due and Spelling test for Unit 5 on Friday, 11/10
  3. Book to read during Literature

Grade 8:

  1. Book to read during Literature

8th Grade Reminders:

  1. Buy your tickets for Designer Bag Bingo coming up in 2 weeks!
  2. An opportunity for service hours at the Santa Breakfast on 12/2 was handed out today.  5 of your 10 service hours should be completed by the end of the 2nd Marking Period (1/26/24). 
  3. Graduation Fee was due by 10/1
  4. Scholastic Book Orders:

Friday, November 3, 2023

Friday, 11/3/23

Grade 6:

  1. Finish typing final draft of "My Favorite Book" essay
  2. Book to read during Literature

Grade 7:

  1. Book to read during Literature

Grade 8:

  1. Vocab. test on Unit 4 on Monday
  2. Book to read during Literature

8th Grade Reminders:

  1. Meatball Madness is on Saturday. Plan to wear black pants, a white shirt, and sneakers
  2. Buy your tickets for Designer Bag Bingo coming up in 2 weeks!
  3. An opportunity for service hours at the Santa Breakfast on 12/2 was handed out today.  5 of your 10 service hours should be completed by the end of the 2nd Marking Period (1/26/24). 
  4. Graduation Fee was due by 10/1
  5. Scholastic Book Orders:

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Thursday, 11/2/23

 Grade 6:

  1. Unit 4 Test Friday
  2. Phonics pgs. 21-25 due Friday
  3. Finish rough draft of "My Favorite Book" essay
  4. Book to read during Literature
  5. Extra credit (poem memorization) due by 11/3

Grade 7:

  1. Unit 4 Test Friday
  2. Book to read during Literature
  3. Extra credit (poem memorization) due by 11/3

Grade 8:

  1. Section 1 Grammar test Friday
  2. Vocab. test on Unit 4 on Monday
  3. Book to read during Literature
  4. Extra credit (poem memorization) due by 11/3

8th Grade Reminders:

  1. Meatball Madness is on Saturday. Plan to wear black pants, a white shirt, and sneakers
  2. An opportunity for service hours at the Santa Breakfast on 12/2 was handed out today.  5 of your 10 service hours should be completed by the end of the 2nd Marking Period (1/26/24). 
  3. Graduation Fee was due by 10/1
  4. Scholastic Book Orders:

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Wednesday, 11/1/23

 Grade 6:

  1. Vocab. Practice Test; Unit 4 Test Friday
  2. Phonics pgs. 21-25 due Friday
  3. Book to read during Literature
  4. Extra credit (poem memorization) due by 11/3

Grade 7:

  1. Vocab. Practice Test; Unit 4 Test Friday
  2. Finish "Background Building" on Google Classroom for Freak the Mighty
  3. Book to read during Literature
  4. Extra credit (poem memorization) due by 11/3

Grade 8:

  1. Section 1 Grammar test Friday
  2. Vocab. pg. 61 and 65; test on Unit 4 on Monday
  3. Book to read during Literature
  4. Extra credit (poem memorization) due by 11/3

8th Grade Reminders:

  1. Meatball Madness is on Saturday. Plan to wear black pants, a white shirt, and sneakers
  2. An opportunity for service hours at the Santa Breakfast on 12/2 was handed out today.  5 of your 10 service hours should be completed by the end of the 2nd Marking Period (1/26/24). 
  3. Graduation Fee was due by 10/1
  4. Scholastic Book Orders:

Tuesday, 3/11/25

  Grade 6: Unit 11 -3x each due Wed Flashcards & Spelling Test on Friday Grade 7: Unit 11- 3x each due Wed Flashcards & Spelling Tes...