Mrs. Cardinale's Math & Science Class
- Please gather and share pictures for yearbook. Also, please send in pictures you would like included in the graduation slideshow on a thumb drive. Please check email for a link to a shared site to add photos. Please disregard the Google Classroom, as it would not allow all email address to join.
- Tickets have arrived! If you have not sent in your parent chaperone fee, please do so.
- If you have not sent in your graduation fee, please do so.
- Plan your field day event with your partner/group.
- Order your yearbook!
- Fish & Chips Dinner to benefit 8th Grade - Saturday, April 13, 2019
- Food donations:
- Shift Sign up:
- 8th Grade:
- Chapter 21 Open Ended question test prep
- Study -- Chapter 21 Test - Tuesday
- 7th Grade:
- Chapter 9 Review - Open ended question prep
- Study -- Chapter 9 Test - Tomorrow
- 6th Grade:
- Chapter 7 LOpen Ended question test prep
- Chapter 7 Test - Tuesday
- 8th Grade:
- WB pg 171, all
- iXL -- once a week
- Deacon Murphy's Group: Deacon Murphy's Math Blog
- 7th Grade:
- WB Pg 183-184 all - corrections
- iXL -- once a week
- Deacon Murphy's Group: Deacon Murphy's Math Blog
- 6th Grade:
- WB Pg 79 (1-19)
- March packet due April 1st
- iXL -- once a week
- Deacon Murphy's Group: Deacon Murphy's Math Blog